About Me

Ok, here’s the quick low-down:

I’m a 30-something communication professional, husband, father, Christian, and curious world-observer. I hold an MA  in Information Science from the University of Aarhus.

After leaving Aarhus, I spent almost a year in Australia, which still holds a big place in my heart. In 2009, I married the love of my life, Katrine, and we currently reside near Copenhagen, although we would love to travel overseas again.

I have worked in the field of internal communication in two of Denmark’s largest companies: Maersk Line and Novo Nordisk. For more on my professional profile, go to LinkedIn.

I have many fields of interest, notably religion, church, Christianity, sociology, politics, communication, internet, music, poetry, literature, and so on.

During my time in Aarhus, I co-founded Århus Cafékirke (Aarhus Café Church), a new church plant targeting post-moderns in Denmark’s second city.

This space reflects some of these interests in various degrees. I have no explicit agenda, but my on-line presence is, as so many others’, an attempt to make sense of the world and present myself and my thoughts to a (sometimes surprisingly) interested world-wide audience.

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Dear Kenneth, i just want to take the opportunity to wish you congratulations with your birthday. I know i’m not the most attentive of friends when it comes to remembering important dates like this one, however, when you grow old and ugly you will be thankful for this lack of consideration. Think about it this way, if I keep forgetting your birthdays, for me, you will be 27 for the rest of your life, which might turn out to an attractive solution when you are really 97 for example.
    enough of this bullocks, I like you! Have a great day! love Kamilla

  2. Hi Kenneth!

    I will just leave a note saying that I as from yesterday must me addressed as “Blogowner Mads Kivikoski”. You are mostly welcome to add me on your blogroll, if you against all odds find my blog any interesting.

    See you soon


  3. Hello!

    On another website (might have been someone’s blog) I was reading as you were relating an event happening to you. It seems that someone who was promoting AdventPlanet.com had contacted you to join up.
    I, too, came on knowledge of the site (advert by member of SDA forum) for signing up. I did so with happy hopes fill out the registration and sent in the 40 Euros. That was half a year ago and I am still left out in the cold and can’t enter the forums.
    He’s got my 40 Euros, my church Elder testimonial saying that I wasn’t a ‘terrorist’ 🙂 and was member of our SDA.org. However I never was switched over to be allowed to enter the website forum.

    The guy doesn’t answer e-mail. I have no idea what the full name is of the administrator. Could you please tell me and tell me in which church in London he has his membership?
    Thank you.

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